Peak Time Rebate Pilot Program
Reduce your energy use and earn PTR event rebates
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If you have any questions, please contact us.
Avista is piloting a Peak Time Rebate (PTR) program to a limited number of Washington residential and small commercial electric customers.
The pilot will run for two years and help Avista develop a peak-time-rebate structure that can effectively shift or reduce power use during times when there is very high demand on Avista’s electric system. Ultimately the pilot will help us provide clean, sustainable, and affordable energy to all our customers.
Avista will send emails to enrolled PTR participants when reducing electric usage is most important. These times are called PTR events and can occur when demand and energy costs are at their highest, typically during hot summer and cold winter days.
Participants who can reduce their energy usage during events will receive a bill credit of 40¢ for each kilowatt-hour of energy saved when compared to normal usage.
If for any reason participants don’t reduce electric usage or it happens to go up during an event, no rebate would be paid for that event. Participants are never penalized for not reducing energy during a peak-time and eligibility for earning a rebate during other peak-times will not be affected.
- The PTR pilot is open to Washington electric residential and small business customer currently taking service on rate schedule 01, 07, 08, 11, 17 or 18.
- How do I know what rate I’m on?
- Most residential customers are on rate schedule 01
- Small businesses with lower demand are typically on rate schedule 11.
- Rate schedules are identified in the Electric Detail section on your bill. A leading zero (0) is shown in front of the rate schedule.
- Customers enrolled in the Time-of-Use pilot are also eligible to participate in the PTR pilot (this includes rate schedules 07, 08, 17 and 18).
- Customers need to have a smart meter, also known as Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). The majority of Washington customers have a smart meter.
- The program requires customers to have only ONE electric meter.
- The customer must have a MyAvista account or be willing to create one
- Each event can range from two (2) to six (6) hours.
- These events will occur up to twenty (20) times throughout the year.
- Events will NOT be called on the following holidays.
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Presidents’ Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- 4th of July
- Labor Day
- Veteran’s Day
- Thanksgiving Day and Day after
- Christmas Day
- When customer enroll in the PTR pilot, they will be notified by email.
- Notifications are sent the day before an event and the day of an event.
A “baseline” will be determined from your three highest usage days over the 10-day period prior to the event, excluding weekends, listed holidays, and any other Event Day(s) and will use the highest usage metered during peak periods. During the PTR event, every kilowatt hour you reduce below that baseline during the peak period of the event will be used in calculating your rebate.
- You can cancel at any time by updating your preferences on your MyAvista account.
- When you unenroll, you will not be allowed to reenroll in PTR for the term of the pilot.
No, if you move, your enrollment in PTR is cancelled and you cannot reenroll in PTR for the term of the pilot.