My Clean Energy Calculator
Estimate your costs and learn about the environmental impact of your participation in the My Clean Energy program.
Enroll in My Clean Energy
100% Clean Energy
My Clean Energy Calculator
Your estimated average monthly contribution could range from:
between ${{matchLowValue}} - ${{matchHighValue}} a month*
*This estimate is based on your average electric usage for the previous 12 months: {{avgKwhHours}} kWh
Your contribution will vary each month based on your actual usage.
Which option are you interested in?
{{dollar | currency:'':2}}
per month, in addition to your monthly bill
{{monthlyAmount * programMultiplier || 0}} kWh
monthly clean energy for this contribution
{{killowatOffsetPercent}} %
of your usage would be offset with clean, renewable energy
*Based on an average monthly use of {{aveMonthlyUsageVal | number:0}} kWh.
Environmental benefits
vehicles removed from roads per month
tons of Carbon Dioxide avoided per month
acres of U.S. forests per year
Source: U.S. EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator and eGrid database release date 01/15/2025.
The monthly charge for My Clean Energy is in addition to your monthly electric Bill.
You may cancel or change your participation level at any time.