Energy Saving Advice for Your Home
Get help with reducing your energy usage.
Looking for ways to save energy and improve the comfort inside your home? Get started with small adjustments, easy no-cost/low-cost DIY projects, and lighting updates. Learn how hiring a contractor can help you save even more.

Energy Savings Tips and Videos
See how easy it can be to save energy and increase comfort in your home. From DIY solutions to contractor-assisted projects, watch Lisa, an Avista customer, make her home more energy-efficient home.

Contractor-Assisted Projects
When you're ready for bigger projects, such as installing a new furnace or adding new insulation, here are some things to consider.

Lighting Tips
You won't believe what a difference the right light can make.

Download our Energy Use and Savings Guide
Find energy-saving checklists and a breakdown of energy use by category to give you a sense of where savings can be found.
Looking for energy saving programs and services for your home?
We offer energy saving tools to help you take control of your home's energy use. Compare heating and hot water fuel costs, enroll in furnace filter reminders, sign up for a home energy audit, and more. See options.