Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Request
Before you start, let's make sure you're ready.
Apply for your charger now.
Contact Information
Select Address
Add Other Address
Review and Submit
Thank you
We're sorry, there seems to be a system issue at this time. Please try again later.
We're sorry, at this time you do not qualify for our program.
You must have an active electric service agreement.
You must have an active service agreement.
We could not locate your account.
Thank you for your interest. For more information or to discuss program eligibility please contact us at electrictransportation@avistacorp.com.
Only Washington electric premises are eligible at this time.
Thank you for your interest. For more information or to discuss program eligibility please contact us at electrictransportation@avistacorp.com.
Valid installation locations only include addresses located in Washington.
Valid installation locations only include addresses located in Washington.
Selected address is already in the list.
Do you have electric service from Avista in Washington?
Locate the business the equipment will be installed at.
Which address are you applying for?
{{a.City}}, {{a.State}} {{a.ZipCode}}
Not a Washington premise
No active electric service
{{a.City}}, {{a.State}} {{a.ZipCode}}
Not a Washington premise
No active electric service
{{prem.FacilityCity}}, {{prem.FacilityState}} {{prem.FacilityZip}}
{{prem.FacilityCity}}, {{prem.FacilityState}} {{prem.FacilityZip}}
Not a Washington premise
Not a valid location.
Address must be complete and reside in Washington.
{{onRecord + 1}} of {{totalValid}}
NOTE: This request has been populated with the answers from the first address. Feel free to modify any answers before continuing to the next address.
{{selectedLocations[onRecord].FacilityCity}}, {{selectedLocations[onRecord].FacilityState}} {{selectedLocations[onRecord].FacilityZip}}
{{selectedLocations[onRecord].FacilityCity}}, {{selectedLocations[onRecord].FacilityState}} {{selectedLocations[onRecord].FacilityZip}}
Additional Information
Fleet Information
Multi-Unit Dwelling Information
Public Information
Workplace Information
Contact Information
Business name
Mailing address
{{mailAddress.address.city}}, {{mailAddress.address.state}} {{mailAddress.address.zip}}
{{mailAddress.address.city}}, {{mailAddress.address.state}} {{mailAddress.address.zip}}
Point of contact name
Point of contact title
Point of contact email
Point of contact phone
Are you a 501(c)(3) non profit or a low cost housing provider?
{{model.IsNonProfit.name === 'true' || model.IsNonProfit.name === 'true' ? 'Yes':'No'}}
{{model.IsNonProfit.name === 'true' || model.IsNonProfit.name === 'true' ? 'Yes':'No'}}
Additional Information
What is the primary use for the charger?
Is there a secondary use? (optional)
How many electric vehicle charging ports do you currently have available at this location?
Is this new construction?
{{location.IsNewConstruction === 'true' ? 'Yes':'No'}}
{{location.IsNewConstruction === 'true' ? 'Yes':'No'}}
Fleet Information
How many light duty fleet vehicles do you have at your facility?
How many electric fleet vehicles do you have currently or have on order with delivery within 6 months?
What types of fleet vehicles do you have or are you purchasing?
How many miles do your fleet vehicles drive on an average daily basis?
Fleet Information
How many light duty fleet vehicles do you have at your facility?
How many electric fleet vehicles do you have currently or have on order with delivery within 6 months?
What types of fleet vehicles do you have or are you purchasing?
How many miles do your fleet vehicles drive on an average daily basis?
Multi-Unit Dwelling Information
How many units are at this location?
How many of your tenants drive an electric vehicle?
Are chargers for private or shared tenant use?
Multi-Unit Dwelling Information
How many units are at this location?
How many of your tenants drive an electric vehicle?
Are chargers for private or shared tenant use?
Public Information
What would you estimate is the average distance from your facility to a major park, shopping, restaurants and similar venues in miles?
Is your location maintained year-round with 24/7 convenient access?
{{location.PrimaryChargerUse.PublicLocationAccess === 'true' ? 'Yes':'No'}}
{{location.PrimaryChargerUse.PublicLocationAccess === 'true' ? 'Yes':'No'}}
Public Information
What would you estimate is the average distance from your facility to a major park, shopping, restaurants and similar venues in miles?
Is your location maintained year-round with 24/7 convenient access?
{{location.SecondaryChargerUse.PublicLocationAccess === 'true' ? 'Yes' : 'No'}}
{{location.SecondaryChargerUse.PublicLocationAccess === 'true' ? 'Yes' : 'No'}}
Workplace Information
How many employees are at this location?
How many of your employees commute to your facility with an electric vehicle?
Workplace Information
How many employees are at this location?
How many of your employees commute to your facility with an electric vehicle?
Your application has been received.
NEXT STEP: Please check your email for a link to review and sign the site agreement.
If you have any questions, please email us at electrictransportation@avistacorp.com.
We appear to be having difficulties.
If you have any questions, please call us at (800) 227-9187.