Take Control of Winter Heating Costs

Homes use more energy to stay warm when temperatures drop outside. It’s why electric and natural gas bills go up in winter. It’s also why managing your heating system and stopping heat loss is so important this time of year. Here are some ways to take control of your home’s heating and energy usage:

1. Find Out What's Using Energy
Heating makes up 40-60% of winter energy bills. To save, you’ll need to know what else is using energy in your home. To help, we offer our Idaho and Washington customers a free home energy audit to learn how to lower usage. For our Oregon customers, we partner with Energy Trust of Oregon to offer online and in-person home energy assessment options. Learn more at myavista.com/homeenergyaudit.

2. Stop Heat from Escaping
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the average home wastes $200 to $400 a year on energy lost through air leaks. Keep heat inside by caulking cracks, using plastic on drafty windows, and replacing old weatherstripping. Watch DIY videos at myavista.com/tips.

3. Use Your Heating System Efficiently
No matter what type of heating system you have, it will run more as the temperature outside continues to drop. The more it runs, the more energy it will use – and the more energy it uses, the higher your bill will be. Learn how to help it use as little energy as possible.


Learn more about how cold weather impacts home energy usage and how to control your heating costs at myavista.com/winterbill.

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  1. Energy Saving
  2. Winter
