
Man lounging on couch with a blanket and a mug of tea.

Take Control of Winter Heating Costs

Homes use more energy to keep warm in winter. Learn how to take control of your home’s energy usage.

Electric space heater sitting on the ground in front of a person who is sitting on a couch, the person is wearing thick winter socks.

Understanding Winter Energy Bills

Learn why winter energy bills are higher than other times during the year, and what you can do to keep them in check.

Woman sitting on couch, wrapped up in a blanket, drinking a warm drink out of a mug.

Why Are Energy Bills Higher in Winter?

Wondering what causes winter energy bills to be higher? Read this article to learn some reasons why.

Multiple decorated Christmas trees with boxes of ornaments for sale at Old World Christmas in Spokane, Washington.

Old World Christmas is Keeping Spirits Bright

For over four decades, Spokane-based Old World Christmas has been creating custom glass-blown ornaments for the holidays.

Power lines are on top of a snowed in car and on the snow covered street with traffic cones placed around the area

Lisa Explains: What if a storm damages my power line?

If unexpected weather causes damage to a power line, what am I responsible for?

Woman adjusting home thermostat, she is wearing a sweater and there is snow visible through the window

Lisa Explains: Winter bills are always higher

Lisa explains why her bill goes up when it’s cold outside, and why heaters run more even when she doesn’t change the temperature.