Why Are Energy Bills Higher in Winter?

As the temperature drops, you might notice your energy bills rise and wonder why this happens. Here are some of the main reasons:

1. Heating Needs: During winter, homes use more energy to keep warm. Heating systems, no matter the style, need a lot of energy to maintain a comfortable temperature inside. The colder it gets outside, the harder these systems work, which means they use more energy. In fact, 40-60% of a home’s winter energy usage goes to heating.

2. Air leaks: Cracks and gaps around windows and doors let heated inside air escape. They also let cold outside air in. This causes parts of our homes to be less comfortable. Air leaks also force our heating systems to run more often.

3. Hot Water Usage: We tend to use more hot water in the winter for things like showers, laundry and washing dishes. Heating water requires a lot of energy, which can lead to higher energy bills.

4. Staying Indoors: When it’s cold outside, we spend more time indoors. This means we use more energy for things like cooking, watching TV, and gaming. All of these activities contribute to higher energy consumption.

5. Shorter Days: In winter, the days are shorter and it gets dark earlier. This means we use more electricity for lighting. We turn on lights earlier in the evening and keep them on longer, which adds to our energy usage.

To learn more about how you can lower your energy usage and save on your bills this winter, visit myavista.com/winterbill.

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  1. Energy Saving
  2. Winter
