Your Energy Dollars at Work

We all use energy to power our homes and businesses, and for Avista, the cost of that energy is regulated. What you see on your bill is what state utility commissions deem fair and reasonable.

How rates work

The rates you pay for energy cover two types of costs:

1. 50% of your bill pays for the generation, the actual cost of turning water, gas, or wind into power, and

2. 50% covers the costs to deliver that energy safely and reliably to your home or business.

Where do my energy dollars go?

Your energy dollars go toward maintaining equipment, planning for future energy needs, and replacing infrastructure that has exceeded its useful lifetime. Many parts of our system are more than 30, 40, or 50 years old.

How your energy dollar is spend: 39¢ power supply, 40¢ transmission and distribution, 20¢ common A&G, 01¢ other (Energy efficiency and assistance)

Avista generates power from 8 hydroelectric projects and 7 thermal generation plants and receives power from 58 wind turbines. Then we send it over 19,000 miles of distribution lines across 30,000 square miles to more than 300,000 customers.

Maintaining and improving a massive infrastructure made up of pipes, poles, dams, turbines, and substations means that, every year, we invest hundreds of millions of dollars into our systems. It’s all part of our commitment to provide reliable energy – both now and well into the future.

Head to our rates page if you'd like to learn more about how rates are set.

See your energy dollars at work in the videos below.

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  1. Natural Gas
  2. Electric
