Prepare for a power outage by taking a few simple steps

Living in the inland Northwest, we’re all too familiar with storms and uncertain weather patterns. These storms can be hard on our trees. During a storm, strong winds and snow can cause trees, limbs, and debris to wreak havoc on the electric system resulting in an outage for Avista customers. That said, there are proactive measures you can take to be ready before an outage occurs. An outage preparedness kit and a plan will save you precious time and resources in the event the lights go out.

What you can do to prepare for an outage.

Update your contact information.

Keep emergency supplies in one place. Supplies should include:

Maintain fire alarm batteries.

Prepare your home medical equipment.

If you rely on electrical medical devices, let us know to receive extra notifications in case of an extended outage. Learn more at

To report a power outage

Read Avista's power outage planning to-do list.

Plan ahead


  1. Safety
