Overhead Power Line Safety

We drove by a park the other day and saw a family flying kites. It was a sure sign of spring and after this long winter, I’m ready for that..

There was plenty of room for the kites in the park, but around the house, there may not be. Overhead lines can get in the way of some outdoor activities. I found this link on Avista’s website that talks about overhead safety.

You will want to avoid overhead power lines during activities like flying kites, model airplanes or flying drones—anything that goes up in the air..

One thing we needed to worry about when we moved in, was avoiding the powerlines over our camper when we pulled it into the lot. You will also need to worry about sailboat masts, boats on trailers and tall fishing poles..

When you are doing work outside, make sure that you keep ladders and long-handled tools at least 10 feet away from the line. My old house came with some moss growing on its roof, and when I go up there this summer to remove it, I’ll keep this in mind..

I remember that last summer, when I was planting a shade bush in my yard, this page on Avista’s website helped me a lot when thinking about where to put it. While my bush was not likely to grow as tall as the overhead lines in my backyard, I wanted to make sure it was nowhere near any lines..

Avista’s website also stresses that you should never assume a telephone, or a cable wire is safe to move. It could be powered from somewhere else..

By avoiding power lines in your yard, you can have a safe and fun spring enjoying the outdoors..

Lisa, an Avista customer, bought her 1910 house because she loved the old-world character, some of which doesn’t make her house very energy efficient. Lisa is sharing her experience on taking some simple do-it-yourself improvements to inspire others to do the same. You’ll find her stories right here every Tuesday morning.

Learn more about electric safety.


  1. At Home with Lisa
  2. Safety
