Heating Season

Electric space heater sitting on the ground in front of a person who is sitting on a couch, the person is wearing thick winter socks.

Understanding Winter Energy Bills

Learn why winter energy bills are higher than other times during the year, and what you can do to keep them in check.

Woman adjusting home thermostat, she is wearing a sweater and there is snow visible through the window

Lisa Explains: Winter bills are always higher

Lisa explains why her bill goes up when it’s cold outside, and why heaters run more even when she doesn’t change the temperature.

Bright winter sun shines through a single tree with frosty grass

Cold weather is on the way

Stay safe, be ready

Autumn leaves through a window

At Home with Lisa: Window Plastic

Lisa prepares her house for winter with window plastic

Child looking outside on a snowy day with older sibling playing outside

Seal air drafts and practice zone heating this winter

How cold weather impacts your energy bill

Father and child on a walk through park in autumn

Energy saving tips for fall

Sweatshirt season is here