Avista brings energy efficiency training close to home for nonprofits

Since 1965, Rural Resources has been serving small towns across Northeastern Washington, providing a range of services to community members, including energy efficient home weatherization.

Known for its impact in Stevens, Ferry, Pend Oreille, and Lincoln Counties, the nonprofit is always finding ways to do more with less, prioritizing limited resources to serve its clients.

“Folks are doing the best they can with what they’ve got,” said Matthew Shelley, Rural Resources weatherization program manager. “We can see the need and want to address it.”

Like many nonprofits, Rural Resources has found it difficult to keep up with demand. Training staff how to properly weatherize homes has been particularly challenging – not because there’s a lack of interest, but because the only certified trainings offered have historically been held in Bellingham, Washington, over 300 miles away.

Recognizing this reality, Avista brought four weatherization workforce development trainings, led by the Building Performance Center, to locations across Eastern Washington in 2024. Over five months, approximately 50 staff members from eight organizations, including Rural Resources, attended for free, thanks to support from Avista’s Named Communities Investment Fund* (NCIF).

Matthew noted the convenience and cost savings of having the trainings nearby. “We have our training funds, but that gets eroded quickly with travel expenses. To have such a fantastic meeting in Spokane made it so that it was closer and convenient,” he said.

The training included in-class sessions and hands-on work with customers at their homes, covering topics such as mobile home retrofitting, building science principles, blower door and pressure diagnostics, combustion safety, and building analyst training. This approach allowed participants to learn while actively helping local homeowners, improving their practices in real-time.

Roland ‘Chris’ Driggs, crew manager, auditor, and quality control inspector at Rural Resources, highlighted the benefits. “The ability to go out there and have practical, hands-on feedback and training at a variety of levels was really useful. To see how other folks are doing it was invaluable,” he said.

While Avista offers many energy efficiency programs directly to its customers, it also supports programs that community partners like Rural Resources offer, including free home energy-saving upgrades.

Renee Zimmerman manages Avista’s energy-saving home upgrades support and oversaw the effort to bring weatherization training over the Cascades. “Many of our customers are living in homes with poor insulation, windows, and heating systems. When someone can’t stay warm or cool because their home prevents it, we want to be there to help,” says Renee. “It’s why we believe in capacity-building opportunities like these trainings, so more needs can be met.”

By bringing essential training close to home, Avista is ensuring that organizations like Rural Resources can continue to make a lasting difference in the lives of those they serve.

“With energy efficiency upgrades, we’re helping people make their house a home,” said Chris. “Not only are they going to be more comfortable and safer, but they can save the money they would’ve spent on an energy bill and use it for medications, food, or whatever else they might need.”

*Avista's Named Communities Investment Fund (NCIF) was approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, as part of the company's Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP) to meet compliance targets for the state's Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA, 2019). The NCIF will invest up to $5 million annually in projects, programs, and initiatives that benefit Avista's Washington electric customers residing in historically disadvantaged and vulnerable communities (i.e., "Named Communities"). Community-based projects will be selected for funding through a competitive grant application process. Application information and eligibility guidelines can be found at myavista.com/NCIF.

Find a weatherization program near you at www.myavista.com/energysavingupgrades.

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  1. Community
  2. Named Communities Investment Fund
