When you save energy, you save money. That’s why energy-saving resolutions are so great. Plus, they’re easy to stick with and help you feel more comfortable in your home – a win-win all year.
Whether you rent or own, you can quickly check these five energy-saving resolutions off your list:
1. Control indoor temperature
Lower your thermostat by just 3 degrees to save up to 10% on heating, which is responsible for 40-60% of home energy use. It’s easy with a programmable thermostat. We recommend 68° in winter. Pay attention to humidity, too. In our region, 30-45% is best.
2. Use window coverings
Insulated curtains keep outside air out. They’ll keep your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. They can block up to 65% of the sun’s heat, so on sunny winter days, open them to let the warm sun in. Do the opposite in summer, to stay cool.
3. Use LED lights
LEDs use 85% less energy than incandescents. In winter, it’s dark earlier, so we use lights more often. In summer, outdoor solar lights can help save.
4. Stop air leaks
Stopping air leaks is the most important energy-saving action you can take. A ¼” gap around a door is like having a softball-sized hole in your wall, making your heater or AC run too much. Use weatherstripping, removable window plastic or rope caulk, and door sweeps to seal leaks.
5. Save in the kitchen
Large kitchen appliances use a lot of energy. Make sure they’re running efficiently. Cleaning fridge coils can improve your fridge’s efficiency by 15% or more. Keep your oven door closed when baking, too. Every time it’s opened, up to 20% of its heat escapes. Use even less energy by cooking with small appliances.