Person at Lighthouse for the Blind learning computer skills

Local Treasures with Pia: Lighthouse for the Blind teaches computer skills

Lighthouse for the Blind helps blind people fully participate in the community around them

Mail being delivered through the mail slot on the front door

At Home with Lisa: Mail slots let mail in and air out

Mail slots can let the heat escape in the winter and the cool escape in the summer.

Two woman smile near a chalk drawing that reads "Believe her"

Local Treasures with Pia: YWCA provides wrap around domestic violence programs

Every year, the YWCA provides more than 15,000 services in its domestic violence program.

Smart power strip with devices plugged in

At Home with Lisa: Manage always on devices to start saving energy now

Use a smart strip to manage devices that are always on

Blue watercolor background - light blue at the top and gradually getting darker blue towards the bottom

Energy for when you need it

Natural Gas and our Clean Energy Future

Installing foam insulator behind a power outlet

At Home with Lisa: Drafty air leaks impact home comfort year-round

Adding a gasket to your outlets and light switches can help seal leaks.