Make sure it's us

Warm weather is here, and that means more construction and utility workers working in our neighborhoods. Mutual trust is generally assumed and rarely questioned as a gentle nod or hello is common as you walk or drive by. However, as door-to-door scams are becoming increasingly more common throughout Avista’s service territory, caution is advised.

A typical approach of door-to-door scammers is to arrive at your door wearing, what looks like authentic branded apparel with your utility provider's logo, a hard hat, and safety vest. The scammer then begins using high-pressure tactics to demand immediate payment to avoid having your service disconnected, or requests access to your home or property. It can be easy to fall victim to these kinds of scams because the scammers put a lot of thought and effort into how they present themselves and act.

If an individual claims to represent Avista and requests to access your property, asks for personnel information about your Avista services, or demands immediate payment, always ask to see the person’s Avista badge. Avista employees and contractors will always have a badge identifying them as an Avista employee or contractor. Also, Avista employees and our authorized contractors will carry program materials and their vehicles will be clearly marked.

If you are still unsure as to whether the individual is from Avista you can always call us at (800) 227-9187 to verify that person’s identity. In most cases, scammers will quickly depart if you tell them you’re going to do so. If you suspect someone of attempting a scam, please contact your local law enforcement and Avista.

Visit to find more information that will help prevent you from falling victim to a scam.

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  1. Safety
