Community Outreach Hits Home

It's human nature to hesitate prior to asking for help, but the truth is we could all use a little help sometimes. It takes courage to seek assistance and that’s what the volunteers of Caritas Outreach Ministries see every day. When help is needed we’re fortunate to have ministries in our communities, like Caritas, to lend a helping hand and provide relief to those who seek it.

Through a relationship with Avista, Caritas was able to access resources to assist with paying a gentlemen’s bill who is terminally ill. He has no family to lean on for support, and doesn’t have the resources to pay his monthly utility bill. He is a retired caregiver but now he’s the one in need of assistance. Caritas was able to pay his utility bill for several months as well as provide food, light bulbs, and other support for him. He was extremely delighted to find out Caritas could help him. Twenty to thirty members of our community, just like this gentlemen, walk through Caritas’ doors daily. They rely on Caritas to provide basic essentials needed to sustain their modest life style.

Caritas has assisted families in crisis in Northwest Spokane for twenty years. Caritas has an onsite food bank and can provide assistance with customer’s utility bills as well. The heartfelt generosity of their employees and volunteers can be felt when you first walk in the door.

An unforeseen event or illness can throw your household out of order before you know it. Our local energy assistance agencies are here to support you in your time of need.

To learn about energy assistance programs, give us a call at (800) 227-9187 or visit us online.

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  1. Energy Assistance
