Woman in an apron placing a freshly baked pie on the table

At Home with Lisa: Holiday Cooking

To help make holiday cooking plans a little more efficient, the Avista Energy Guide has some tips

Woman sitting in barber's chair at a new barbershop

Cars and Crew Cuts

Near the car deals and shiny Chevy Blazers, the buzz of vintage vinyl records sets the tone for a brand-new barbershop

Cup of coffee

Cup of love

On the corner of Broadway and Walnut, in the West Central neighborhood, the aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans and sweet pastries invite neighbors inside Indaba Coffee’s flagship cafe

Autumn colors on trees in Millwood

Local Treasures with Pia: Sunday Drive

We are fortunate here in the Inland Northwest: there are lots of destinations within a short drive and it’s easy to string a few together for a lovely fall drive

Electric vehicle plugged into a wall outlet, charging

The cost of charging your electric car at home

Read about the cost benefits of an electric vehicle.

Autumn leaves through a window

At Home with Lisa: Window Plastic

Lisa prepares her house for winter with window plastic

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