Girl Scouts STEM Mobile parked

Local Treasures with Pia: STEM Mobile Takes Girl Scout Programs to Rural Areas

A STEM mobile makes it easy for Girl Scouts to reach everyone.

Closeup of window plastic on a window

At Home with Lisa: Prepping for winter with window plastic and a vacuum

Lisa gets ready for winter by looking around the house.

Children practicing Arabic on paper worksheets

Local Treasures with Pia: Manzanita House helps immigrants find legal aid and community

Manzanita House is a safe place for new immigrants who need low-cost legal aid and place to be themselves.

Closeup of an emergency prepardness kit

At Home with Lisa: September is Emergency Preparedness Month

Lisa checks her emergency kit to make sure nothing should be replaced.

Spark Central wooden sign

Local Treasures with Pia: Spark Central is expanding in more ways than one

Spark Central – the creative nonprofit located in Kendall Yards – has added more space and new programs.

Closeup of hands applying rope caulk to window

At Home with Lisa: Rope caulk makes sealing air leaks easy

Lisa starts preparing for winter by sealing up windows with rope caulk.

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