Man smiling with student

Lind middle school gets new reader board

And Lind gets largest solar farm in the state

Woman looking at book from a sidewalk library

"Sharing Corners" takes little libraries to the next level

Inland Northwest Rural Vitality Initiative promotes sharing, caring

Children giving each other high fives

Great futures start here

Camp Wittman's challenge course gets a renovation from Avista

Avista building

Avista's statement on initiative 1631

Avista takes pride in providing you safe and reliable energy at an affordable price

Electric vehicle plugged in and charging

Electric vehicles: Charging towards the future

Today more than 40 models of electric vehicles exist

Four men sitting on a couch watching football on the tv and cheering

Go team! Heating season is here

Your home is filled with all-star players responsible for meeting your comfort and energy efficiency needs

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