Shawn McAdams, manager of Rosauers in Colfax, shopping while wearing a mask

Groceries and Good Deeds

Even though Shawn McAdams is the manager of Rosauers in Colfax, you’ll most likely find him pushing a shopping cart down the produce aisle with a handwritten list

Pacific Northwest landscape at Turnbull National Refuge - view of water and greenery

Local Treasures with Pia: Turnbull National Refuge

Turnbull covers more than 16,000 acres of Channeled Scablands, a very unusual landscape and ecosystem different from almost anywhere else in the world

A different image on each side of the photo - on the left side, dryer balls sit on a dryer and on the right side, clothes are hanging on a dryer line outside

At Home with Lisa: Dryer Balls and Drying Rack

Dryers use considerably more energy than washing machines.

Butte, Idaho landscape - View looking down from Steptoe Butte - green fields and hills

Local Treasures with Pia: Steptoe Butte

Let’s start this summer’s adventures with a favorite destination of mine:

Before and after photo of showerhead replacement - left side is closeup of old showerhead, right side is closeup of low-flow energy saving showerhead

At Home with Lisa: Replacing a Showerhead

Installing a new low-flow showerhead

People shopping at farmers market stalls

Local Treasures: Farmers Markets

Farmers market season is highly anticipated by both farmers and shoppers

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