Burnt orange fall leaves

At Home with Lisa: Fall Round Up

Lisa reviews some of her favorite home-improvement projects

Person at Green Bluff stocking apples for sale in display boxes

Local Treasures with Pia: Green Bluff

It’s Fall in Spokane and that means it’s Green Bluff Time

Man wearing a veteran's hat, holding up a handmade quilt and smiling

Handmade Quilts Bring Comfort To Local Heroes

Quilts of Valor Foundation is a national organization dedicated to making quilts for veterans around the world

Rope caulk by older window

At Home with Lisa: Rope Caulk

Rope caulk is an easy fix for gaps around doors and windows that you want to keep closed during cold winter months

Line of buses in front of STA Plaza, downtown Spokane

Local Treasures with Pia: Spokane Transit

Take the bus to the lake

Birthday supplies in trunk of car

Delivering birthday surprises

Tiffany started a Kindness for a Cause, a non-profit with the mission to bring happiness and blessings into kids and parents' lives throughout the area

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