Portable electric generator outside with snow on the ground

At Home with Lisa: Generator Safety

Lisa learns about generator safety

Numerica Skate Ribbon in Riverfront Park in Downtown Spokane

Local Treasures with Pia: Numerica Skate Ribbon

For the last couple of weeks, a handful of men have gathered in the dark at the Numerica Skate Ribbon in Riverfront Park just before midnight

Room with white bookcases, grey sofa, blue curtains

At Home with Lisa: Drapes

Lisa completes a project she has been trying to avoid - putting up drapes

Bella the dog wearing a Santa hat and laying in front of a festive tree

Local Treasures with Pia: Holiday Pet Pictures

How to take the very best holiday picture of your pet

Vase filled with water and plastic glow in the dark plants on a table

At Home with Lisa: Humidity Vase

Lisa learns what effect humidity has on your home in the winter

Volunteers at vet clinic

A helping paw

The Veterinary Clinic at DHH provides homeless and low-income pet owners access to dog and cat check-ups, nail-trims, vaccinations, and medicine

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