Residents at an assisted living home petting a horse

Horses and hope

Through the parking lot of Fairview Assisted Living in Spokane, the calming cadence of a horse’s trot echoes off the building and into the hearts of the residents

View of someone's back as they play a piano on the sidewalk. A second colorful piano is off the right next to a building

Local Treasures with Pia: Sing a song in Sandpoint

There are a lot of people who work behind the scenes to produce a number one hit. Meet some of them at this intimate Sandpoint event.

Emergency prepardness supplies including lashlight, backpack, batteries, water bottles, first aid kit, lantern, radio, can opener

At Home with Lisa: Emergency Preparedness

Lisa checks her emergency kit to make sure nothing should be replaced

Boxed remains of the Riblet family laid to rest in a plot

Unclaimed to honored

One at a time, three small square boxes wrapped in brown paper and twine emerge from a basement storage room of Fairmount Memorial Park in Spokane.

Closeup of  a piece of fish on the grill of an outdoor barbecue

At Home with Lisa: Outdoor grilling

Lisa takes advantage of the cooler weather to grill outdoors.

Closeup of a woman cooking on her natural gas stove - she is heating up a pan to make eggs

Serving you with natural gas and keeping energy prices affordable

Natural gas is a great source of energy to fuel your life

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