Actors and actresses at Drawn Together Arts theater holding hands at the end of a show

Drawn Together Arts brings theater and arts together

Together Arts produces small theater shows and devised cabaret at The Art Spirit Gallery.

Two actors at Stage Left Theater

Progressive theater takes center stage

Stage Left Theater produces theater intended to make you think and help make positive changes in the community

Two photo collage - left side is a closeup of a dirty dish washer filter, right side is a closeup of that same dish washer filter after it has been cleaned

At Home with Lisa: Lisa cleans the filter in her dishwasher

Using your dishwasher can be more energy efficient than washing your dishes by hand.

Red Gala apples hanging on a tree

Edible Tree Project gleans leftover fruit

Leftover fruit doesn’t go to waste

Closeup of a new lightswitch with a timer

At Home with Lisa: Second half of 2021 recap

Lisa looks back on the projects she completed in the second half 2021

Emergency prepardeness kit with an emergency preparedness checklist

Improving customer and community resilience during power outages

Avista has worked with our community partners to distribute 6,500 outage preparedness kits to our most vulnerable customers across eastern Washington and North Idaho

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