Pink hydrangea flowers in a backyard garden

At Home with Lisa: Plant safely this spring

Lisa plans her spring planting, but calls 811 first

View of a river and some greenery with people sitting around

Local treasures with Pia: Southern Oregon Land Conservancy

Southern Oregon Land Conservancy preserving both farmland and wilderness for future generations of Oregonians

Electrical power strip on a blue background

At Home with Lisa: Phantom loads and how to manage them

Lisa looks over her house to find any phantom loads.

Clothes washer and laundry dryer in a room with plants

At Home with Lisa: Saving energy while doing laundry

There are lots of ways to save energy when you are doing the laundry.

Opera truck outside with two performers on the stage

Local Treasures with Pia: Inland Northwest Opera

Opera truck takes to the road

Classical musicians performing on stage

Bringing Classical and Jazz Music to Life in Juneau, Alaska

Juneau Jazz and Classics is a music festival that not only brings world class musicians to Alaska, but brings them to school classes

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