Woman in front of her laptop, looking stressed while on the phone

Scammers are relentless

Be ready and know what to look for

La Clinica traveling mobile health clinic parked with a few people outside

Local Treasures with Pia: La Clinica takes health services on the road

Mobile health clinic serving vulnerable populations

Woman opens microwave to check on reheated meal

At Home with Lisa: Save energy in the kitchen this summer

It’s hot outside. Keep your home cool inside by avoiding the stove.

Over shoulder view of senior man eating dinner at home

Local Treasures with Pia: Clarkston Senior Meal Program

They come for the low-cost meals, but they stay for the socialization

Closeup of a dirty dryer lint trap removed from the dryer

At Home with Lisa: Clean your dryer vent to save energy

Keep your dryer vent clean for efficiency and safety

Two Avista workers in hard hats and yellow vests digging with shovels

New law in Washington and Idaho aims to protect utility workers

There will be tougher penalties on people who assault utility workers

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