Collage of three photos showing the making of a bean stew on the stove

At Home with Lisa: Humidity helps your home feel warmer

There’s more than one benefit to slow cooking soups

Two photo collage - left side is a closeup of a dirty dish washer filter, right side is a closeup of that same dish washer filter after it has been cleaned

At Home with Lisa: Lisa cleans the filter in her dishwasher

Using your dishwasher can be more energy efficient than washing your dishes by hand.

Closeup of a new lightswitch with a timer

At Home with Lisa: Second half of 2021 recap

Lisa looks back on the projects she completed in the second half 2021

Closeup of hands applying rope caulk to window

At Home with Lisa: Window caulk

Lisa seals gaps in her windows using rope caulk.

Carbon monoxide detector on tan wall

At Home with Lisa: 2021 recap

Lisa’s completed projects in the first half of the year

Mother, father and daughter looking at a tablet together and smiling

At Home with Lisa: eSMART Kids

Lisa finds that Avista has lessons for kids to learn about saving energy

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