Spark Central wooden sign

Local Treasures with Pia: Spark Central is expanding in more ways than one

Spark Central – the creative nonprofit located in Kendall Yards – has added more space and new programs.

Left side is a colorful abstract painting on paper, the right side is children outside with a woman in some grass near a stream

Local Treasures with Pia: ACE brings art to rural schools in Eastern Oregon

Art Center East in La Grande connects artist with rural Title One Schools which often go without funding for arts education

Kids and adult standing outside in front of Sera Youth building

Local Treasures with Pia: Fresh Soul Restaurant serves more than food

The Fresh Soul Restaurant serves up delicious, traditional southern cooking and job training skills for neighborhood youth

Person at Lighthouse for the Blind learning computer skills

Local Treasures with Pia: Lighthouse for the Blind teaches computer skills

Lighthouse for the Blind helps blind people fully participate in the community around them

Two woman smile near a chalk drawing that reads "Believe her"

Local Treasures with Pia: YWCA provides wrap around domestic violence programs

Every year, the YWCA provides more than 15,000 services in its domestic violence program.

College student uses laptop to study in dorm room

Local Treasures with Pia: Teaching purposeful direction to young people

Slingshot is a new program that helps students pick the right career

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