A different image on each side of the photo - on the left side, dryer balls sit on a dryer and on the right side, clothes are hanging on a dryer line outside

At Home with Lisa: Dryer Balls and Drying Rack

Dryers use considerably more energy than washing machines.

Before and after photo of showerhead replacement - left side is closeup of old showerhead, right side is closeup of low-flow energy saving showerhead

At Home with Lisa: Replacing a Showerhead

Installing a new low-flow showerhead

Light brown colored home being shaded by trees

At Home with Lisa: Introduction to Weekly DIYs

I’m Lisa and I have some projects to do.

Woman using hairdryer to apply plastic to windows for energy efficiency

Attend the Avista Energy Fair & learn how to weatherize your home

Learning tips and tricks to warm up in an old house

Child looking outside on a snowy day with older sibling playing outside

Seal air drafts and practice zone heating this winter

How cold weather impacts your energy bill

Woman sitting on couch holding coffee mug

How to keep warm and lower your energy bill

What happens when your home gets the chills

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