Closeup of an emergency prepardness kit

At Home with Lisa: September is Emergency Preparedness Month

Lisa checks her emergency kit to make sure nothing should be replaced.

Woman in front of her laptop, looking stressed while on the phone

Scammers are relentless

Be ready and know what to look for

Two Avista workers in hard hats and yellow vests digging with shovels

New law in Washington and Idaho aims to protect utility workers

There will be tougher penalties on people who assault utility workers

Power lines in front of a blue cloudy sky and trees

Operational Strategies Aim to Reduce Wildfire Threat

Avista is entering the second year of our comprehensive 10-year Wildfire Resiliency Plan to systematically strengthen the electric grid infrastructure along the wildland urban interface (WUI) areas across Idaho and Washington.

Pink hydrangea flowers in a backyard garden

At Home with Lisa: Plant safely this spring

Lisa plans her spring planting, but calls 811 first

Variety of tulips growing in a garden

At Home with Lisa: Outdoor power tool safety

Lisa starts planning spring yard work and thinking about how to use electrical power tools safely.

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